Diets For Diabetic - What Are the Foods to Avoid For Diabetic? (Diabetic Diets)

Diabetic Diets

When the cells of the human pancreas don't generate insulin, it creates diabetic mellitus. Actually, insulin is useful to split sugar into a form in blood that the body can efficiently store and apply to produce energy later. This disease compels you to include diet for diabetic forget some foods and it demands your diets to be something that is high in soluble fibers and low in saturated fats. A doctor can suggest foods to avoid for diabetic and consume less carbohydrate products because it might contain high glycemic index.

The rapid increase of this disease has pressed food, beverage, and pharmaceutical companies to make products considering the need of such patients. It's also true that the doctors often prescribe not to buy such products at random and the products are often very costly as well. Such products might contain more fats and may be that the products just don't have anything that can help you to cure diabetic.

If you want to keep your blood glucose levels in control, a slight change in your food habit can be the best option.

Being a new patient of this disease, doctor may advice you to collaborate with a dietitian or nutritionist, who can endow you with a proper diabetic meal plan as well as snack plan. You might need to calculate your carbohydrates by pointing out your eating of sugary or starchy foods.

Then, you have to adopt a plan of diets for diabetic as new food habit. The prescription usually suggests the consumption of whole grains and starchy vegetables as the main part of your meal. It demands you to eat a minimum of two servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily.

The prescription then states to have proteins available in lean meat, legumes, and cheese. You must consume them in smaller quantities. Adding of slight amount of non-fat or low-fat dairy items is fine but it shouldn't cross the limit for it has fats and sugars listed under foods to avoid for diabetic.

This is a general prescription. To have a perfect diet for your diabetic case, please consult with a dietitian or nutritionist. Try to consume proper foods to lower high blood sugar but you must also be aware enough to keep on hand the list of very salty foods to avoid for diabetic. This is so because high blood pressure along with high blood sugar is something common in such patients. Not only consumption of fats causes high blood pressure, sodium is largely responsible for this. To avoid this problem, either lessen the salt in your food or buy non-sodium or low sodium salt replacements. Also, avoid foods like crackers, chips, processed or conserved meet products, or canned foods like sardines or soups because they contain extra sodium and salt.

Fats can be really harmful. Cardiovascular diseases often follow diabetic cases. So, avoid dairy products, solid vegetable fats, and butter because they have saturated fats. Before chicken preparation, get the skin off. Also, strive to avoid butter and margarine. Oils obtain from canola or olive can be good for lowering elevated blood sugar levels.

It is suggestive to choose the diets for diabetic such as skimmed, low-fat, or non-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt than full cream products. It is strictly forbidden foods to avoid for diabetic with fried foods and rather boil and bake or simply broil it.

Alcoholic products are not good in such cases. Such food habit is not really difficult provided you have the patience to change.

BY:Murali V

Diabetic Diets


Unknown said…
nice info

good blog :-)
Unknown said…
Diet is very important in diabetes. There are differing philosophies on what is the BEST diet but below is a guideline with some general principles.

Patients with Type 1 diabetes should have a diet that has approximately 35 calories per kg of body weight per day (or 16 calories per pound of body weight per day). Patients with Type 2 diabetes generally are put on a 1500-1800 calorie diet per day to promote weight loss and then the maintenance of ideal body weight.. However, this may vary depending on the person's age, sex, activity level, current weight and body style. More obese individuals may need more calories initially until their weight is less. This is because it takes more calories to maintain a larger body and a 1600 calorie diet for them may promote weight loss that is too fast to be healthy. Men have more muscle mass in general and therefore may require more calories. Muscle burns more calories per hour than fat. (Thus also one reason to regularly exercise and build up muscle!) Also, people whose activity level is low will have less daily caloric needs.

Generally, carbohydrates should make up about 50 percent of the daily calories ( with the accepted range 40-60 percent). In general, lower carbohydrate intake is associated with lower sugar levels in the blood. However the benefits of this can be cancelled out by the problems associated with a higher fat diet taken in to compensate for the lower amount of carbohydrates.. This problem can be improved by substituting monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats for saturated fats.

Most people with diabetes find that it is quite helpful to sit down with a dietician or nutritionist for a consult about what is the best diet for them and how many daily calories they need. It is quite important for diabetics to understand the principles of carbohydrate counting and how to help control blood sugar levels through proper diet. Below are some general principles about the diabetic diet.
Unknown said…
There are two types of diabetes. In Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce insulin, which is needed for the cells to absorb the glucose released into the bloodstream after eating. Glucose is the main sugar found in the blood, as well as the body’s main source of energy. Without insulin, blood glucose levels rise and can seriously damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, and blood vessels. Untreated, it can lead to blindness, chronic kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke. In Type 2 diabetes, which constitutes 90-95% of the cases, the pancreas produces insulin, but in insufficient amounts. Or, the body is unable to absorb what the pancreas does create. Type 2 diabetes is usually preceded by insulin resistance, a condition that makes the pancreas work harder, thus effectively burning out insulin production over time. The consequences of Type 2 diabetes are no different or less severe than Type 1. Since elevated glucose is the precipitating factor for diabetic health problems, controlling blood glucose levels is fundamental.
2u said…
First of all, thanks for visiting The Diabetic Diet Blog. It was great to hear from you! What great information this blog produces! I'm sure a lot of people are being benefited. If you ever have any questions (having Type 1 Diabetes) I would love to help out. Keep up the great work!
Shabnam Sultan said…
Diet is very important for diabetic people and your blog is providing perfect tips of foods which should be avoided by people suffering from diabetes.Keep posting....

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