Low Carb Diabetic Diets
Diabetic Diets hanks to Jennifer Aniston, Dr. Atkins’ low-carb diet is the latest craze among weight watchers. However, the furor it has caused in the medical circles is also due to the fact that it is steeped with immense benefits for diabetics. In fact, it is fast gaining precedence over the traditional low-calorie, low-fat diet once prescribed for diabetics—a diet that has now been conclusively proven to be detrimental to the diabetic patient’s health. This all-out attack on carbohydrates is understandable, as diabetes is a condition where sugar and starch are not properly absorbed from the bloodstream. And when the body is incapacitated in this way, an excess of carbohydrates can be harmful. Anything more than 5%-10% carbohydrates in your daily caloric intake is a taboo in all the low-carb diets. These place emphasis on consumption of protein and fats so that the body is full and doesn’t experience hunger pangs. For it is only when the body feels that it is starving, that one tends...